

Korn - Starting Over | Drum cover

Recorded on 2023-06-26 by yours truly

So here's another drum cover. It marks the first time I've done one with this new wall, and with a new angle. Fun fact: my phone is attached to my bass wall mount with a gorillapod.

Timing on this one is... shit at times, but rather okay. But I always say that.

Also, the next time I'm filming something I have to check the mix. The bass drum is waaay too loud here, and the toms way to quiet. I can't remix it now, so I'm stuck with this.

I really struggled with getting the timing right at the start, and gave up starting to play at the very first note altogether at one point. I'm far from nailing it here too, even when starting a little later.

But instead of doing tens of takes, I decided just to get it out here. I'm kinda tired of having nothing to show because my timing sucks. Yeah it does, but to 90% of the people that'll watch it, it's not even audible. The remaining 10% could point it out, but usually, that's people who know what they're talking about, and tend to recognise the more difficult parts of what I'm playing. They'll ignore the timing issues.

Besides this, there's many people who are telling me they could give fuck all about timing and just want to see me drum, because I'm not half bad.

If I'd filmed a couple more takes, maybe I would've got the timing right. But I opted for choosing to ignore it.

This new wall design looks absolutely sick. Thank you, dad.

On another note: I'm rocking the VH-10 now. And I'm loving every single bit of it, not only because I get to play with a hihat that bops up and down, but also because I have an extra cymbal now. And well... I'm putting it to good use.

To summarise: timing... well. I'm just going with this. Mix blows. New angle, new hihat, new wall. Really happy with it. Overall, apart from timing, I'm actually pretty happy with how this one turned out.


That's it. You've reached the bottom.