

What the hell I've been up to

Written on 2022-11-06 by yours truly

Well. It's been a long time since I've written anything over here, so here I go.


Quite a short story to begin this post with (dangling preposition?): I've not put any amount of work into the project. I still have plans to start working on it, but not now.


So I'm in my final year of secondary education (middelbare school, as we call it over here), in HAVO 5. That means it's a year with lots to do.


This story will be a lot longer than the first two.

For around about three years I said I'd be a fullstack engineer, sysadmin or anything else in IT when I'd grow up. That changed about half a year ago, when my dad asked me if that would be a good idea, since I love chemistry. And being a chemistry hobbyist is... incredibly hard. I also love computers, and being a hobbyist programmer and chemist professionally is a lot easier than the other way around.

Ever since I made the decision not to be an IT professional, the incentive to progress further with programming was basically absent. That means I haven't done anything substantial ever since (except for this website). It's kinda back since I started the Rust book again, but it's not where it was during its highs. I think that has also to do with my dotfucks dotfiles. Since I'm such an antfucker perfectionist I wanted to be fully set up before I'd start working any big projects again. That cost me a lot of time.

So now my dotfiles are relatively clean again, but they're not how I want them to be. Fact of the matter is: they will never be. They're a programmer's version of the Sagrada Família. I gave up trying to make them perfect and stopped working on 'em. I just said fuck it and went back to vscode, becauase if it ain't broken, don't fucking fix it. Yes vscode can be slow, uses Electron, but I can see its source (even though it's got the Microsoft license thingy) but whatever, I'll roll with it. At least until I can get a prebuilt neovim working correctly on my machine.

Now I'm planning to finish the Rust book before I do anything else. I've got a big project in mind though. (As if right wasn't big enough yet, jesus christ.) I hope I'll start working on right soon-ish.

I just finished the Collections chapter of the rust book, and was trying to complete the challanges it lists in the Summary section.

Other boring real-life things


So I visited Austria, even though that is not relevant at all. Figured you might be interested. Although you're not, but that's on you.


So I have a job now! I listed that in about section on this site too. I work in a music store.


Now that's an interesting subject no-one cares about (fucking dangling preposition!!)!

See GSA stands for grote schoolavond, translated big school night. I will call it BSN for the remainder of this section.

It's basically a big show with actors and musicians from the entirity of the school. Next Friday, the auditions will be taking place, and I'll audition for drumming. But I'm the only one, so... well. I think I'm good.


Another boring thing that concerns me and I just want to have written down (and apparently share with the whole wide fucking world): exams. It's not the finals, those will take place in May. But these tests are very important for the exams. I'm too lazy to explain the whole system, so good luck looking it up yourself. Hint: go to rijksoverheid.nl.

That's it. There's still thousands of words I could write about things, but really I'm quite pleasantly surprised by how many words I've written now. I'm also too lazy to check for typos and other grammatical errors now. I have things to do, places to be, fuck it!


That's it. You've reached the bottom.